Which Lifestyle Option Is Best for Me?

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Working With You to Meet Your Needs

No matter what care option you choose, your happiness, safety, and well-being will never be compromised. Pick from our many luxurious lifestyles that provide our residents with engaging activities, convenient amenities, and superior support.

You’ll love living at Polar Ridge. If you are interested in seeing what our community can provide for you, please contact us today to schedule a tour.

Independent Living

Independent Living is the perfect lifestyle option for those who can manage their day-to-day tasks without help but want someone else to take care of tedious household chores, like shoveling snow, mowing the lawn, and tidying the house. With Polar Ridge’s Independent Living option, you have more free time to focus on what you truly love to do.

Find out more about Independent Living.

Assisted Living

Assisted Living is ideal for older adults who need a bit more extra help taking care of their day-to-day activities. At Polar Ridge, our staff provides the assistance our residents need without sacrificing their independence, dignity, or safety.

Learn more about Assisted Living.

Memory Care

Our Memory Care program is Polar Ridge’s lifestyle option specifically designed for residents with memory and cognitive issues. Our staff undergoes specialized training to ensure they can properly care for our Memory Care residents by keeping them happy, safe, calm, and supported.

Find the care your loved one deserves in Memory Care.

Why Choose Us?

Community Events

Community Events

No 2 days are the same at Polar Ridge! Our team is constantly updating our available activities based on what you, our residents, are most passionate about. From classes, outings, games, and fitness, you will find it at Polar Ridge.


Lifestyle Options

Lifestyle Options

We have various lifestyle options at Polar Ridge, and there’s something available for everyone. Our goal is to offer you the chance to live the way you want while never sacrificing your independence or safety.


Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Nothing is more important to us than our residents. From our updated safety protocols and disinfection procedures to our experienced staff and specialized training, your health and safety are never compromised at Polar Ridge.


No 2 days are the same at Polar Ridge! Our team is constantly updating our available activities based on what you, our residents, are most passionate about. From classes, outings, games, and fitness, you will find it at Polar Ridge.

We have various lifestyle options at Polar Ridge, and there’s something available for everyone. Our goal is to offer you the chance to live the way you want while never sacrificing your independence or safety.

Nothing is more important to us than our residents. From our updated safety protocols and disinfection procedures to our experienced staff and specialized training, your health and safety are never compromised at Polar Ridge.

Our Location

Where to Find Us

Come visit us today so we can show you what makes Polar Ridge so unique. Go north on Helen Street from 7th Avenue East. You can’t miss our beautiful, spacious community building!


Email Us

Our Address

2365 Helen Street
North St. Paul, MN 55109

Contact Us

Phone: 651-615-6649


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