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Category: Dementia

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How to Deal With Dementia in a Parent

A senior resident smiles with their supportive child in a cozy home setting with a vase of flowers on a nearby table.

Caring for a parent with dementia can often feel overwhelming, but it’s a rewarding experience full of support and compassion. An adaptive approach can help address your loved one’s evolving needs. Patience, effective communication, a supportive care plan, and sympathy can help you navigate caregiving and foster a meaningful connection with your loved one.  What […]

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How Hard Is it to Take Care of Mom or Dad With Alzheimer’s or Dementia?

Senior women and daughter sit together worries about alzheimer’s and dementia?

If you have a parent recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, you may be feeling overwhelmed and distraught. You may have questions about the care options available, and whether you can care for your parents at home as their condition progresses.  Remaining at home can be beneficial for someone in the early stages of […]

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